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Anton Demokhin

Anton Demokhin

Deputy Foreign Minister, CDTO

Mr. Anton Demokhin was born in 1983, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Education BSc Management Sciences at Loughborough University (Great Britain). MSc International Business Management at Kyiv National University of Economics (Ukraine).

Career Professional in business development and technology with over 15 years of experience in implementing information and telecommunication systems in corporation and state institutions, launching and managing business projects in Ukraine and abroad, cooperating with international businesses and organizations. 2005-2010 – Head of the commercial department, Deputy Director, First deputy Director of JSC “IVK” (provider of electronic digital signature services). The team took an active part in the development of public key infrastructure in Ukraine in cooperation with leading national developers of cryptographic tools and specialized state institutions; in the processes for integration of electronic digital signature technologies into the information systems of public sector organizations; in the popularization of EDS technologies among specialized institutions and users. 2012-2022 – Executive Partner of “DEKOM UKRAINE” LLC (audiovisual technologies and infrastructure solutions). Full-cycle professional solutions in the field of integration of information and telecommunication systems (ITS). Development of architectures and implementation of industrial solutions for creating fault tolerant ITS’s, data center systems, modern computer networks, data storage systems, virtualization platforms for computing resources and workplaces, telecommunication and audiovisual systems for the commercial and public sectors. In August 2022, Mr.Demokhin was appointed as the Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Chief Digital Transformation Officer.