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Serhii Prokopenko

Serhii Prokopenko

Head of NCSCC Operations Department - Deputy Head of Information Security and Cybersecurity Directorate at the Staff of the NSDC of Ukraine

Established in 2016 National Cybersecurity Coordination Center (NSCSS) plays an important role in Ukrainian cybersecurity system as the national coordinator and analytical center for current and emerging cyberthreats. In 2021 NCSCC developed the new Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine and its Implementation Plan, that were enacted by the Decrees of the President of Ukraine, initiated the formation of Ukrainian Cyber Forces, organized strategic table-top excersises for high-level officials.

In his position Serhii is responsible for coordination of all the stakeholders, developing the NCSCC’s analytical technological platform, improvement of CTI exchange and sharing mechanisms, organization of training programs for specialists from public sector and critical infrustrutures, building public-private partnership, international cooperation, control of the Cybersecurity Strategy implementation plan.

He has 20 years experience in cybersecurity, incident response, digital forensics, cyber threat intelligense, cybercrime investigations, development of enterprise cybersecurity systems.