Jaak Tarien
Brigadier General (ret) at AS Cybernetica, Lead for European Secure Digital Military Mobility System (SDMMS) Development
Brigadier General (ret) Jaak Tarien has recently begun a new career with Estonia’s established technology company AS Cybernetica, www.cyber.ee , where Jaak leads the development of European Secure Digital Military Mobility System (SDMMS). The SDMMS project, is a consortium of 11 partners from 10 nations and will develop a secure, ICT-based solution that will facilitate direct and secure exchange of information between nations requesting and approving any military movement. Prior to his retirement, Jaak had a distinguished 28-year military career and amongst other positions he has served as the Commander of the Estonian Air Force 2012-2018 and as the Director of NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) 2018-2022. Jaak is a graduate of the United Stated Air Force Academy where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in 1998. Later Jaak has added two Master of Science degrees from USAF Air University Air Command and Staff College in 2005 and National Defense University Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy in 2018.