Maria Shevchuk

Maria Shevchuk

Executive Director of the IT Ukraine Association

Maria Shevchuk has over 10 years of experience in implementing internationalization programs for Ukrainian companies to the EU, USA, Canada, Asia, and Africa. She has collaborated with many international organizations and technical assistance projects, including USAID, GIZ, EBRD, EU4BIZ, WNISEF, UNDP, and QFTP. Specifically, she has attracted and implemented technical assistance projects worth over $2.5 million USD. She worked as the First Deputy Director of the State Institution “Export Promotion Office of Ukraine” (2018-2020).

She was a member of working groups on the development of the Export Strategy for the IT sector for 2019-2023 and the block of International Economic Policy and Trade of the National Economic Strategy of Ukraine 2030. Since September 2023, she has been appointed as the Executive Director of the IT Ukraine Association.